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'Seshat's Spiral' Crystal Pendulum

Includes a single stone handcrafted crystal divining pendulum on nylon string, blessed for the highest good & effectiveness in your world.

Stone Properties:
- Connects to divine mind
- Stimulates crown chakra
- Stimulates third eye chakra
- Promotes healing
- Promotes harmony
- Promotes universal love
- Amplifies energy
- Amplifies thought
- Amplifies given intent
- Enhances physic abilities
- Neutralizes background radiation
- Balances planes
- Brings clarity
- Brings calm
- Deep soul cleanser
- Meditation
- High vibration stone

Piece Properties:
- Conducts energy
- Transmits thoughts
- Amplifies thoughts
- Promotes mental agility


  • Image of 'Seshat's Spiral' Crystal Pendulum