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'Divine & Dainty Duo' Crystal Necklace

Includes a 2-stone chain necklace talisman, blessed for the highest good & effectiveness in your world.

Stone Properties:
- Sun and success stone
- Stone of the mind
- Brings abundance
- Brings good fortune
- Brings happiness
- Attracts generosity
- Promotes manifestation
- Joyful/positive stone
- Stimulates solar plexus chakra
- Enhances personal power
- Enhances mental clarity
- Reduces self destructiveness
- Increases personal energy
- Eliminates negative energies

- Sobriety stone
- Psychic stone
- Meditative
- Increases spirituality
- Brings prosperity and abundance
- Brings calm
- Brings patience
- Brings peace
- Brings emotional stability
- Brings inner strength
- Protects from poison
- Heals grief
- Promotes happiness
- Assists in ridding addictions
- Stimulates third eye chakra
- Stimulates crown chakra
- Stimulates etheric chakras
- Expands higher mind
- Increases creativity

Piece Properties:
- Conducts energy
- Transmits thoughts
- Amplifies thoughts
- Promotes mental agility

- Clears away old debris
- Brings out pure and natural truth
- Brings out natural good
- Boosts immune system
- Gives courage
- Takes on body chemistry


  • Image of 'Divine & Dainty Duo' Crystal Necklace